Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bad Case of Scrapbookingitis!

So after almost 15 years of going about scrapbooking in the traditional way of paper, adhesive, and embellishments, I have broadened my abilities. I have been given a very contagious bug of digital scrapbooking by my two friends, Deb and Shay. Deb introduced herself to the world of digi scrapping on her own and has become a master digi-scrapper in just a few months. Shay scrapped traditionally and made the transition a while back, which encouraged me. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. My first attempts were not fun and even bordered on the frustrating. But, now I am actually enjoying this. Since I still have an enormous amount of supplies at home, I can revisit the "traditional" way anytime. This has been a challenge; but if you know me I love a great challenge. I have much more to learn, but am so excited to dive deeper. Hopefully I have uploaded my images correctly so you can share in my fun!

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