Monday, April 13, 2009


Shelby completed her Fun Run at school and raised 175.00 for her school's track. She began her run around the gym rather quickly and soon slowed her pace as the room became extremely stuffy and warm. They were supposed to run outside but had to take it indoors due to rain. So with the boys sitting against the walls, the parents cheering on the girls, and the girls running, it was way too warm. Even so, Shelby worked so hard and was determined to make her 35 laps. I have to say, it almost brought me to tears I was so proud of her. As I watched her trudge along, I just wanted to go out there and carry her around for her last laps. Her little face was beet red and she was so sweaty. But she did it. I did put down my camera for her last lap and grabbed her hand to run it with her. She was exhausted but very happy she ran it all(in 20 minutes). I took her out for water and walked in the cool hallways until she felt better. Bless her heart, I know it was tough. I was so proud of her!!!!
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Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Congrats Shelby!!! Way to go!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions To my Shelby!
Great job..we are all so proud of you!
I loved the pictures to capture the moments!
Grandma and Grandpa